Healing Bloodstone


No matter the type of healing that you are seeking, you will find that Bloodstone will help your body kick on its own internal healing when you work with this powerful stone.

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Named Bloodstone, because the red spots look like blood, is a combination of red and green jasper. It's an excellent aid in helping you to heal from mental, financial, emotional, and physical issues.

You'll find that once you work with this stone to increase your physical wellness, your mental wellness will also increase so you can face any challenge head-on. But remember, I’m not a doctor and this is not intended to replace professional medical attention and advice.

Each crystal is unique and has natural imperfections as they come from the Earth. Some may have cracks, crevices, minimal defects. Also, every crystal that is carved and shaped by hand is not going to be perfect so sizes are given are approximate, not exact. Please know that the description is not a guarantee to cure ailments.

You will receive one (1) intuitively chosen African Bloodstone, approximately 1/2”, that has been cleansed by sound and a card describing the stone’s properties 😊

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