The Tarot Code

You don't need to spend ages studying Tarot to become a card-reading pro!

Forget about the tedious hours of endless study of that shitty little booklet that came with your deck.

Say hello to the magical world of Tarot with this step-by-step program for beginners.

The Tarot Code: Decoding the Language of the Cards
One time

If you’re ready to learn tarot, I’m ready to teach you.

This beginner course will give you the basics that you need to get started - and it isn’t just memorizing keywords.

You will come to understand your own intuitive connections and meanings for your cards as you continue on your journey with the tarot, but this course will get you well on your way to unlocking your inner psychic.

Does this sound like you?

Lost in a Sea of Cards

You know what they say, too many cards spoil the divination broth! With a seemingly endless deck to navigate, it's easy to feel like you're drowning in a sea of symbols.

Who needs that when you can just ask your magic 8-ball, right?

Confidence Crisis

So you're supposed to trust your gut, tap into your intuition, and read the cosmic vibes of some ink-stained pieces of cardboard? Easy peasy! Well, not exactly.

Sometimes your intuition decides to go on vacation without leaving a forwarding address, leaving you questioning if you're just making it up as you go.

Hello, self-doubt, my old friend.

If this sounds familiar, have no fear! We’re gonna fix that.

Time Warp Woes

Let's face it, we're all time travelers struggling to fit everything into a measly 24 hours.

When life gets busier than a rush hour subway, finding time to decipher the mysteries of tarot can feel like deciphering a secret code that was written by aliens while they were tipsy on moonshine.

That sounds like a confusing experience, right?

tarot cards and crystals

It’s hard to learn tarot because…

Tarot isn't just about memorizing a bunch of meanings. It's about tapping into your intuition and connecting with your inner psychic powers. It's like trying to catch a unicorn in a butterfly net.

Tarot demands that no matter what - you must commit to practice, building your own language with tarot and growing as a tarot reader.

Soon enough you will find connecting the tarot dots in a way that even a detective would find impressive!

I’m gonna break down each tarot card into bite-sized nuggets of wisdom that even a goldfish could understand.

Trust me, you'll be slinging cards like a wizard in no time and impress your friends faster than you can say "abracadabra."

What You’ll Learn:

Demystifying Tarot

The course aims to help you confidently interpret the cards and understand the structure of a tarot deck. I’m here to help remove the confusion and awkward stumbling through explanations, providing clarity and understanding.

Traditional or Intuitive Readings

Whether you prefer a traditional approach, trust your intuition, work with elemental energies, or create captivating narratives, this course will equip you with the skills to confidently read tarot in various ways.

Cut Through The Confusion

I’ll share a tarot spread that you can use whenever you’re stuck or confused to see there are multiple ways to confirm the message in the cards.

The Tarot Code is designed exclusively for individuals like you, eager to tap into the mystical realm of tarot card readings. Unveil the hidden language of the cards and unlock their power to illuminate your path toward self-awareness and spiritual growth.

  • In The Tarot Code, we've got all the juicy secrets waiting for you: I'll spill the beans on 4 different ways for you to read Tarot with lightning speed—no need to memorize a gazillion meanings.

  • I'll demystify Tarot and help you understand the structure of a tarot deck.

  • Ready for some next-level Tarot action? I'll show you how to read multiple cards together in a spread, unlocking a treasure trove of detailed and meaningful insights. Get ready to amaze yourself! 

  • We’ll also dig into combining Tarot and Oracle cards so you can expand your readings and get a whole different level of knowing.

  • Brace yourself for clear, accurate guidance from the cards every single time. No more scratching your head in confusion or playing a guessing game with your intuition. I've got your back!

  • And, I’ve included a special video that’s about an hour long walking you through my tarot process, my tips and tricks to get you started and share what the “experts” don’t want you to know.

So, my friend, if you're looking to dive headfirst into Tarot without the hassle, The Tarot Code is your ticket to instant card-reading greatness.

Get ready to embark on a fun, insightful, and downright magical journey with 4.5 hours of instruction and guidance!

Here’s what you’ll get instant access to:

FYI: You can get access to this Tarot class by joining the Moon Moth Manor and paying for the monthly subscription and you’ll have access to this courses as long as you’re a paying member of the Moon Moth Manor.

OR you can choose to buy this class now, a la carte, for a one time fee, by clicking the button below.

The Tarot Code: Decoding the Language of the Cards
One time