Are You Psychic?

Are you psychic? By asking that question, I would guess you already know the answer to this... haha!

I think everyone has some psychic abilities... and they never explore them. That doesn't mean that everyone has the same divine gifts. Some people have stronger gifts, and some people have kinda, dormant gifts.

The spectrum of psychic gifts varies. Instead of thinking of what it means to be psychic in very specific terms, I think of my gift as an interpreter of energetic information.

Sometimes my clairaudient abilities are stronger when I hear voices telling me something. Sometimes I see things in my mind's eye. Other times, I feel the energy of the situation or person where I feel like I'm in the first person feeling the situation.

More times than not, I'm getting references to the typical idea of "signs and symbols" you hear the TV psychics mention, which for me is a reference to a song, a TV show, a movie, a memory from my own life - and from those things I can put together the information in a way that I understand.

How I Figured Out I Was Psychic

When I was 16, after my sister died, odd things started happening. You can read that story here.

So there I was, channeling people's messages, doing remote viewing, seeing flashes of scenes in my mind that were totally surprising, and feeling the energy around me that was definitely not the norm.

One time, I remember being on my, at that time, soon-to-be in-laws' property and seeing the land as it was before their home was built. And I got this weird story about three kids, a gulley, a river, and a death. I've tried to find the human part through newspapers but did get a confirmation for the gulley and river part from my in-laws.

And, then, there were the people who have always said I was too judgemental. Now, I see it as having a BS monitor, and these people didn't like me calling it as I saw it.

Either way, it was a time when I was doing the psychic thing without any training, knowledge of proper protection, etc. I just jumped in.

Would I recommend that path to others now? Nope, but with a little bit of protection, I think the key is to jump in.

Before You Figure Out If You Are Psychic...

The key before you dip your toe, or the entire foot, into figuring out are you psychic (which you are) and growing those abilities is to find a method of protection.

It's so important to protect yourself because your energy is sacred. And when you call in your spirit guides, you need to create a sacred, safe place for this communication to happen because you do not want to open yourself up to just any spirit.

Here's how I get started. Take it or leave it - it's up to you, but choose something method of protection.

If you want to think of your psychic session as jumping into a spiritual phone booth. Imagine bringing down the pure, white light of heaven down from the universe, into your crown chakra, down through all of your chakras, and coming out of your feet and down into the earth.

Then you call that grounded energy back up through your feet, up through all of your chakras once more, and back out through your crown chakra, connecting once again to the universal energy.

Lastly, I imagine a white bubble of light around me, and I push that out around into my space until the entire room. Once I feel the process is complete, I get into the divination work. And one more key point, don't forget to close your protection zone when you're done.

If you read no further, you can close by thanking your spirit guides, god, and calling the protective energy bubble back to you and releasing the connection.

How To Get Started With Psychic Abilities

You are psychic, and getting tapped back into your intuition starts with you having an open mind and getting ready to reconnect with your divine gifts.

Sometimes it can feel like you lost your abilities, but I think of it more like you have disconnected or cut the phone line. Yeah, old days with phones that have wires.

You can reconnect once the bill is paid to the phone company or someone repairs the line, right? Same for your gifts. They won't go away permanently.

The key is to start the conversation, start becoming a student and learn the language of your divine gift.

Oh, oh! I have to say this because you may encounter this crap from people. Some people think that they know the way (which is their way) to divination, and whatever you're downloading or however you're doing, it is wrong. Avoid these people. They are shitheads, and there are shitheads in every corner of the universe.

Where do you start? Wherever you feel comfortable. I think it is important for you to start with whatever you're drawn to. If you like tarot cards, pendulums, charms, automatic writing, whatever it is, start somewhere that seems fun and not terribly daunting to you. You can find many different methods to get started with; it's only an internet search away.

Once, make it a point to schedule a time to work on your psychic abilities, then grab a notebook to document what you learned during your session.

Have a notebook ready, treat it like a diary, write your question down, and begin. You may want to ask a question about yourself or the TV show you're watching, asking what's going to happen next.

For instance, say you do a three-card tarot reading, and you have no idea what any of the cards mean. No problemo. Pull the cards and start noting what comes to mind; make note of it before you reach for the white tarot meaning booklet.

This way, you can have the benefit of noting what your psychic hits are, and you can have what the "technical" meaning of the tarot reading is supposed to be. Later on, you can start to analyze what you're tapping into to see where you're right and where you need more clarity - which can happen over time.

Be open to what you're seeing, feeling, and experiencing. Anything that you get, make note of it because you're learning a new language, and over time you will be able to validate your intuition on a consistent basis - even though psychic abilities aren't 100% accurate, you'll gain confidence in your gift.

But Which Psychic Gift Do YOU Have?!

Probably more than one. I won't rehash all of the psychic gifts that you may have, but you can probably connect your gifts like this:

If you say "I feel," then you're probably clairsentient.

If you say "I hear," then you're probably clairaudient.

If you say "I see," then you're probably clairvoyant.

If you say "I have a gut feeling," then you're probably claircognizance.

Pay attention to the signs and symbols as much as you do to the energy and feelings.

Are You Scared To Work With Your Psychic Gifts?

If you're scared or anxious, think psychic gifts are like how you've seen on TV, are focused on death too much, or have any mental issues, exploring your psychic gifts at this time may not be the best idea.

You need to first decide whether you're going to have faith in the Divine having your back or not. You cannot sincerely pray and worry at the same time. Your mind can do all sorts of gymnastics to make whatever you believe to be true in one way or another. Begin with the belief that you're going to be protected, set up the protection for yourself, and dive in.

If you're fearful of your psychic gifts because of judgment from your family, your religion, or something else, then follow that line of thinking through to its logical conclusion. If your uncle is going to be upset to find out that you're working on your psychic abilities, then what? What does that mean for you? Why do you feel the fear, and are you okay with the consequences?

Let's talk about the no bueno energy out there. There are some people out there that will tell you that there is no such thing as bad spirits or bad energy or evil energy. That's fine for them, but I do not believe that to be true.

Safe spiritualism is something I encourage you to practice - just like nasty evil people; there are those things on the other side of the veil - are we supposed to believe that everything on the other side of the veil is positive? I think that is a naive way to approach divination.

Alycia Wicker

Alycia Wicker is a sweary, spiritual chick who hearts crystals.

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