Enhance Your Tarot Reading with These Crystals Before, During, and After!

Welcome to the world of tarot readings! Whether you're a seasoned pro or a curious beginner, you're in for a mystical experience. One way to amplify your reading is by incorporating the use of crystals. Crystals can help you tune into your intuition, calm your nerves, and set the right energy for reading tarot.

Best Crystals to Use Before a Tarot Reading

Before you dive into a tarot reading, you want to make sure you're in the right headspace. That's where these crystals come in handy.

  • Amethyst: Helps you connect with your intuition and promotes relaxation - enhances your intuition and spiritual awareness, making it a popular choice for doing tarot readings.

  • Clear Quartz: Clears your mind of distractions and enhances focus, as well as amplifies and enhances energy

  • Selenite: Clears your energy field and creates a peaceful atmosphere while it clears negative energy.

Crystals for Grounding During a Tarot Reading

Sometimes, during a tarot reading, you can feel a bit overwhelmed or disconnected. That's where grounding crystals come in handy.

  • Hematite: Helps you feel rooted, centered, grounded, and protected. It’s one of the most grounding stones you’ll experience.

  • Black Tourmaline: Promotes emotional balance, absorbs negative energy, and helps to neutralize those bad vibes.

  • Smoky Quartz: Grounds you to the earth and promotes clarity as it's been used for centuries in cultures around the world for its protective properties.

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How to Cleanse Crystals After a Tarot Reading

After a tarot reading, your crystals may have absorbed energy that you don't want to carry with you. It's important to cleanse them so they can be ready for the next reading.

  • Salt Water Bath: Let your crystals soak in a bowl of salt water for a few hours

  • Sage Smudging: Use sage smoke to cleanse your crystals by holding them in the smoke

  • Full Moon Bath: Place your crystals outside under a full moon to recharge them

Using Crystals for Tarot Reading Energy

Now that you know which crystals to use and how to cleanse them, it's time to use them during a reading.

  • Creating a crystal grid: Set up a grid of crystals around you to create a specific energy field

  • Holding crystals during a reading: Hold a crystal in your hand while you shuffle the deck or while you interpret the cards

  • Placing crystals on tarot cards: Place crystals on top of the cards to amplify the energy of the deck (one of my favorite ways)

    Using crystals during a tarot reading can enhance your experience and give you a deeper connection to your intuition. Make sure to choose the right crystals for your needs, cleanse them regularly, and experiment with different ways to use them during a reading. With the right crystals and mindset, you're sure to have a powerful and mystical experience during your next tarot reading.


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