What Are Aura Crystals?

Aura crystals refer to crystals that are coated in metal. The stones are placed in a vacuum chamber that is heated up, and then a precious metal coating is piped in and adheres to the stone, giving it a rainbow appearance. The aura crystal coating depends on the type of metal piped in.

Because this process is not natural and involves people altering a stone, this makes aura crystals something people either love or hate.

Or you can be like me and hate it at first, then grow to love them.

Why Do People Hate Aura Crystals?

Some people do not like to work with aura crystals because they feel the original crystal's energy has been altered during the process of adhering the metal coating onto the crystal. And they feel it is a crime that has been perpetuated against the stone. They feel lit makes the stone look tacky and cheap, and ruins the look of what was natural.

Some people disagree and believe that the stone's energy is enhanced because you still have two natural materials - one of the stone and the other of the precious metal being applied to the stone, making the quartz (if that's the stone with the metallic coating on it) amplified. A new creation of a vibrational frequency that wasn't originally available in nature. And people love pretty, rainbow, sparkly things.

Typically, aura crystals get the treatment because the stones are not naturally spectacular specimens. An aura crystal treatment is usually applied to a stone that is imperfect or of a lower quality to increase its value instead of tossing it out.

Are Aura Quartz Natural Crystals?

Metal-coated aura quartz crystals do not come from the Earth looking like that, so they are not considered "natural." A human has put a genuine stone or crystal through a process to adhere to an iridescent, metallic sheen. However, the aura crystals are real stones that come from the earth naturally and are then coated - they aren't plastic or glass.

However, this isn't to say that lab-created quartz can't be given the aura treatment. And you will find people on both sides of the natural vs. lab-created crystal argument, too.

How Are Aura Crystals Made?

If I told you, I'd have to kill ya. Kidding. I don't know, and it's an industry secret by those who do know how exactly they do it.

Somehow the people who do that for a living put stones in their chambers, apply the metallic coatings either through electrostatic magic or vaporization processes, and voila!

The thing for you to know, though, is this process makes a crystal more expensive. The cost of precious metals is high, and there is usually a lot of breakage of the crystals that go through the process where the stones are heated up to something like 1600° as the metal's atoms fuse to the stone. During this process, it compromises the crystalline structure, making them brittle. And that's why aura crystals are not cheap, as many stones don't survive the process. Also good to know; this type of bonding doesn't scratch off of the stone, unlike... keep reading.

There is also something now where they spray on (essentially paint) a rainbow color treatment onto stones making the stones coated with something called "Jelly Quartz." The coating can be scraped off, though, and the stone isn't heated where the coating is bonded to the stone, making the breakage problem of the other process not a problem. And with this type of coating, you'll find it can be bonded to a "stone" like Opalite, which is not a real stone but rather a synthetic opalescent glass.

And lest you think only quartz is getting the aura treatment, you'd be wrong. All types of stones now get the aura treatment like Pink Opal, Black Kyanite, and Selenite.

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Are There Other Types of Aura Crystals?

Yes, there are many types of aura crystals. And it isn't limited to one color choice. You may find an aura crystal that has multiple colors applied to a cluster or stone.

  • Angel Aura crystals are coated with Platinum and/or Silver.

  • Rose/Pink Aura crystals are coated with Platinum.

  • Aura Rose Quartz is a Rose Quartz crystal with Gold bonded to it.

  • Blue/Aqua Aura crystals are coated with Gold.

  • Apple Aura crystals are coated with Nickel.

  • Bubble Gum Pink Aura crystals are coated with Gold and Platinum.

  • Amethyst Aura crystals are made with Magnesium and Platinum.

  • Sunshine or Tangerine Aura crystals are coated with Gold and Platinum for Sunshine, Gold, and Iron for Tangerine.

  • Titanium Rainbow Aura crystals are coated with, wait for it, Titanium.

Why Work With Aura Crystals?

As I mentioned earlier, many people feel the qualities of a stone are enhanced by the metal bonded to the stone in an alchemical process of sorts. They also say that you find additional metaphysical qualities to these stones depending on the type of stone and the adherence of the metal coating.

  • Angel Aura crystals are for inner peace, love, and intuition.

  • Rose/Pink Aura crystals are for love and a connector to your spirit team.

  • Blue/Aqua Aura crystals are for empowerment, being honest with ones self and spiritual evolution.

  • Apple Aura crystals are for balancing and aligning chakras and to help you see things in a positive manner.

  • Amethyst Aura crystals are for zen, joy and connecting with the peace of nature.

  • Sunshine or Tangerine Aura crystals are for healing after trauma, freeing your spirit and boosting your personal power.

  • Titanium Rainbow Aura crystals are or balancing and align chakras and boost psychic abilities.

How To Work With Aura Crystals?

Just like you would with any other crystal. You can put it in your pocket if it is small enough or place your left hand on it, if its too big for your pocket, to bring in the energy of the stone.

You can come up with your own spiritual practices. And you can divine your own meaning for your aura-coated stones because while I think it's always a good idea to start with what others have figured out in terms of metaphysical properties, each stone and person is unique.

You may find the stone means something different than someone else described. Be open and enjoy the process of working with your aura crystals.


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