How To Calm Down In Uncertain Times

dealing with uncertainty anxiety

Most of us are feeling uncertain, worried, anxious and every other not good feeling emotion in these uncertain times.

One of the most important skills that you can develop now and use moving forward is a calming ritual or two.

Before I share this easy ritual that you can do, I want to remind you that you do have the power to remove yourself from those things that aren’t helping your anxiety.

Don’t check social media, avoid the news, don’t read the sky is falling “expert” opinions, skip watching the shows that reinforce the negativity. None of this is feeding your soul, but only feeding the fear.

We can only do our part during this time. We can’t control what other people do and getting upset about it doesn’t hurt or affect them, but only ourselves.

This is the time to be very deliberate when it comes to self-care. Take the time to love yourself, show love to others and stay in that vibration.

Calming 7 Practice

When it comes to finding a ritual for yourself that’s easy and that other people won’t give you too much side-eye, consider this ritual.

Times like these require a calming practice.

  1. Grab a crystal

  2. Hold it in your left hand (that’s your receiving hand)

  3. Close your eyes (but read this first)

  4. Breathe in for 7 counts

  5. Hold your breath for 7 counts

  6. Exhale for 7 counts

  7. And do this 7 times

Do this as often as you need during the day. 

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New Moon Beginnings - Lepidolite

NewMoonBeginnings - Blue Lace Agate

LovingThyselfRocks - Larimar

YellowTreeCoShop - Smoky Quartz

SoulsticeJourney - Rose Quartz

Crystals For Calm In The Storm

Here are some suggested crystals that you may want to use during this calming exercise, but know that any crystal that you have on hand will work, too.

  • Rose Quartz - the love stone, love for self, love for one another, love for the world

  • Blue Lace Agate - calming and helps to reprogram negative thoughts and negative reactions

  • Smoky Quartz - transmute negative energy

  • Larimar- dissipates fear and boost your immune system when used in tandem with other immune-boosting techniques.

  • Lepidolite - it’s micanized lithium and good for calming yourself


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