Finally, Trust Your Intuition

Trusting your intuition can be one of the most challenging things to relearn and then rely on. 

Your intuition probably needs a good workout so you can begin to trust your gut instead of relying on others to tell you what's what. 

It's been so easy to neglect our intuition when we can do a quick search on the web or turn on a show and listen to what someone else has to say on the matter. 

Why Your Intuition Is Not Working

We've been taught to ignore our gut instincts because the system requires us to trust and obey the authorities. 

While this isn't always a bad idea, like stopping at red lights, blindly obeying is not a good idea.

And often, for me, at least in the past two years, it has felt counterintuitive to ignore my intuition. But because we've been told to trust authority, I had ignored my intuition more times than I care to admit. 

Then there is the fear. You may feel like you're a crazy person (or have been told that in the past), which makes you frightened to trust your intuition because you may have experienced something paranormal.

Tapping into your intuition is imperative to living a life aligned with your soul's purpose. 

Our intuition is usually dulled for a lot of different reasons including, but not limited to:

  • Anxiety

  • Bias

  • Depression

  • Fear

  • "Authorities" will tell you that you must go on a fact-finding and analysis mission even though studies have shown that your intuition usually knows the answer long before your research

  • Overthinking

  • Trusting your intuition is considered unreliable and equivalent in some circles to wearing a tinfoil hat or being called crazy

  • Other people's opinions and beliefs

In the private readings that I'm doing for clients, I'm finding that many people are coming to me for suggestions from their spirit guides on how to tap into and boost their intuition.

If you're wondering what you can do to start trusting your intuition, then keep reading.

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3 Tools To Help You Tap Into Your Intuition

I believe in working with divination tools because it helps you see something with your own two eyes so that you can work on trusting your intuition again.

But before you go out and buy some divination tools, remember that you must schedule intuition exercise time. There isn't a switch you turn on, so you need to make this a daily habit, so your intuition is once again trustworthy.

Oracle Cards To Amplify Your Intuition

I wouldn't suggest tarot cards as your first purchase to exercise your intuition as it is a system with 78 cards that is overwhelming to start with. And you may not stick with learning how to read them, which could eventually lead you to give up on the art of trusting your intuition. 

On the other hand, oracle cards make it easy to begin your intuition workout. Find a deck you love the imagery with and start by choosing a card a day. Bonus points for you if you write down a journal entry on what that card means to you on that day. 

Eventually, through your life, the experiences you have, you'll start to connect the messages you get in cards and what happens in your daily life that will get your intuitive hits popping off.

Playing Cards are another option if you have a pack in your junk drawer. You can start an exercise where you guess if the next card you will flip over is red or black. You can then also have more fun by "guessing" the card's suit. 

Using A Pendulum To Tap Into Your Intuition

A pendulum is an easy way to start tapping into your intuition. Get yourself a string or chain with something heavy on the end or a necklace.

Hold your pendulum between your forefinger and thumb. Then ask your pendulum what "yes" looks like. Be patient and see how your pendulum moves. Then ask for what your "no" looks like. 

Then have fun. Ask if your name is "Jane Smith," and then see what your pendulum does. Then ask with your name. Then get creative with your questions. You can even use a pendulum mat.

With the pendulum, be patient with yourself. The key to getting answers from your pendulum is to clear your mind.

But how do you do that? My best suggestion is to be genuinely curious and repeat the question non-stop until you get your answer. Eventually, you will find what works for you regarding dowsing with your pendulum.

Boost Your Intuition With Crystals

There are a couple of ways to work with crystals to boost your intuition. 

The easiest way is to hold or wear crystal jewelry while practicing another method of divination like using your pendulum or pulling cards. Labradorite, Azurite, and Lapis Lazuli are the best choices.

Have a question in mind, take a handful of tumbled crystals and throw them on a piece of cloth on your tabletop. This practice is called lithomancy.  

After you cast your stone, look at what crystals grouped themselves together. If you don't know the metaphysical properties of the stones you cast, have fun looking them up in a book like the Book of Stones or the Crystal Bible. 


With any of these divination methods that will help you to trust your intuition again don't require a ritual, at least at first.

If you decide to further your divination practice where you're looking to communicate with the spirit world, I would strongly encourage you to create a ritual where you cast a circle of protection for your work.

Oh, and have fun. YOU get to choose what your divination practice looks like. You don't have to follow anyone else's practice precisely if it doesn't work for you. This is about you and reconnecting with it in a fun way so you can begin to trust your intuition again.

Alycia Wicker

Alycia Wicker is a sweary, spiritual chick who hearts crystals.

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