5 Powerful Rocks You Shouldn’t Put In Your Mouth

All rocks are unique. The way some sparkle when the light hits just right. Lookin’ like sugary rock candy on a stick. Someone just might wanna chomp right into one. 

Some can be so tiny. You may want to pour some in your hand and toss ‘em in your mouth like a bag of pop rocks.

Some so smooth and shiny the glare catches the corner of your eye. Like a freshly glazed donut hot out of the oven. But before you lick that glossy gem, get in the know.

Though stones can be beautiful and unusual, they can also be dangerous and toxic. Before you gasp and spit out your hard candy “just in case”, let me share what you need to be aware of.

Toxic Crystals

I know what you’re thinking, most people don’t put rocks in their mouths. Yeah, it sounds silly but some people have been known to kiss or lick them. Doesn’t sound too tempting but to each his own. Shoulder shrug. 

Or maybe you have even asked yourself “can healing crystals make you sick?” 

Lots of rocks are perfectly safe. You can handle them, wet them, and keep them on you at all times. You can even give them that kiss if you are so inclined. Then there are some that shouldn’t be near your mouth. And I’m not entirely sure the crystals are down with it anyways.

The facts are that some rocks are radioactive, some have tiny particles that you shouldn’t inhale, or some could give you a terrible case of the shits.

You don’t need to be afraid or completely stay away from them. You just have to know a little background before you handle them. What they contain and what not to do with them is very important. 

There are actually hundreds, probably thousands, of crystals out there that are toxic. It’s not always advertised when you are buying one. You may just find a name and a simple description. So it’s best to always keep yourself informed about the stones you handle. Knowledge is power — and in this case, safety.

Here are 5 rocks that have wonderful energies and are great to work with. You just have to know what you can and can’t do with them. Staying cautious of toxic rocks is important. I mean just because a stone is shiny or smooth doesn’t mean you should suck on them like a damn jolly rancher.

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Stones With Warnings


Black Moonstone via VioletSkyGems on Etsy

Black Moonstone via VioletSkyGems on Etsy

Moonstone is great for working on inner growth. It’s a stone that promotes new beginnings. Moonstone stimulates inspiration and success.  And it also contains aluminum. A small amount in the human body is tolerable. After all, you may realize lots of things we use every day contain aluminum. 

Aluminum is a silver, lightweight metal. It can be inhaled, ingested, and absorbed through your skin. Aluminum occurs naturally in the earth. Forming in soil, water, and air. I’m telling you, this shit is everywhere. 

While we all ingest a small amount of aluminum (most likely through your antiperspirant) and are perfectly fine, we still need to be careful not to intake too much. Because it attacks your central nervous system, there are studies taking place to link aluminum with several diseases. 

Always wash your hands after handling Moonstone. And because aluminum can be absorbed through skin, don't hang on to it for too long. No need to clutch this baby like the last Tickle Me Elmo in the toy store circa 1996. 

Moonstone can’t get wet. So don’t try to make any elixirs with it. Some safe ways to cleanse this crystal are with sound, moonlight, or sage. 


Selenite via MineRatCrystals on Etsy

Selenite is a very popular stone. You probably have one in your collection right now (and if you don’t there’s a variety in my shop!). It's commonly used for cleansing negative energy. As well as cleansing other stones.

Don’t freak out if you have one on your alter right now and had no idea it was dangerous. Selenite is not one of the toxic rocks. Go ahead and wipe your forehead. 

However, it can degrade if submerged in water. Selenite is granular and has tiny shards that can easily fall off. For this reason, it’s highly recommended you don’t put any in your mouth. 

And if you do use it after it has gotten moist be careful not to touch your face to prevent any shards from getting in or near your eyes. Wash your hands immediately! 


Malachite via EarthPerfection on Etsy

Ah, Malachite, the stone of transformation. This stone brings focus to new growth and helps you manifest a better you. Often used to set intent and to banish negative energy, Malachite is a powerful metaphysical stone.

Now the not-so-great part, one piece is typically made up of 57% copper. Copper is a soft, malleable metal that forms naturally. Too much copper in your system can cause abdominal pain, nausea, and diarrhea. 

Once it has been roughed and polished professionally it’s perfectly safe to handle. 

You only need to worry about touching raw pieces in broken-down form. So with the exception of being a miner or a jeweler, you won’t need to worry unless your rock breaks.

If one day you have a case of slippery fingers and you drop your malachite immediately discard the broken pieces or give them back to the Earth in your garden. If your stone is only slightly chipped you can keep the large part after getting rid of the small ones. Just remember you must wash your hands after handling and never touch food immediately after. 


Sodalite via TheStoneMaidenShoppe on Etsy

This is the perfect rock to calm anxiety and bring tranquillity to the mind. Making it great to work with during meditation. Sodalite is often used to work with your third eye. Enhancing self-awareness, self-esteem, and self-trust. Might as well call it a selfie stone.

Like Moonstone, Sodalite also contains aluminum. Do not put this stone in your mouth or wet it at any cost. I’m not going to bore you with more talk of aluminum, you got the gist. As long as you remember these things you can be worry-free incorporating Sodalite into your healing sessions.

You may have noticed a theme with this stone and the last two. They end in “ite”. A good rule of thumb is if it ends in “ite” it’s probably toxic.

Also, don’t use salt to cleanse this stone. Salt can cause it to crack further exposing aluminum to your skin and to the air.

Now if you’re like “Whaa, whaaaa?? I always use the cleansing power of salt to restore my crystals!” Don’t flap your trap at me just yet. 

You can safely cleanse Sodalite with salt by using the indirect method. Place your crystal in a tightly sealed bag —and I mean tighter than a nun’s asshole — then place that bag in the salt. Just be extra careful not to expose the stone.

Lapis Lazuli

Lapis Lazuli via SoulsticeJourney on Etsy

The frequencies in this crystal enhance your spiritual growth and serenity. Work with Lapis Lazuli when you need to release tension and bring the mind and body together in harmony. And because it carries such harmonizing energy it’s often used in Feng Shui. 

Lapis Lazuli contains other minerals such as Lazurite, Calcite, and Pyrite. And here lies the problem, Pyrite contains sulfur.

Sulfur is a non-metallic, yellow solid that can be found in soil, plants, and water. While sulfur is low in toxicity in humans too much can cause burning and diarrhea. Steer clear of a fiery butthole by simply not ingesting or breathing in pieces of this stone. 

If you have a pet at home you need to be extra careful. Your curious kitty may get tempted to nibble on a piece of this shiny stone. Or your pup might just want to carry it in his mouth like a brand new toy. Lapis Lazuli is very toxic to animals and can be fatal.

In The Know

You can skip rocks, smoke rocks, or collect rocks but you can’t eat rocks. As long as you keep that in mind you should be a-ok. 

And remember to always wash your hands when handling stones that contain even a tiny bit of toxic components. Better safe than sorry.

Now that you know about crystals you shouldn’t wet or put in your mouth you can feel confident when purchasing any of these 5 healing stones. Head to the top of the page to be guided over to my crystal shop and learn more about working with these powerful stones.


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