How Hematite Can Help You Stay Grounded

Like the roots of a tree in the dirt, being grounded is essential to our well-being. The human body craves stability. We yearn to feel safe. It’s natural. We get that to feel secure we must have a firm grounding.

No matter where you are on your life’s path it’s important to stop every so often and work on yourself. You’ve got to make sure you’re balanced and grounded. A great way to do that is by adding Hematite to your crystal healing sessions.

Not sure what the heck Hematite is? That’s ok! I’m here to guide you on your journey to perfect balance. 

Properties Of Hematite

This is one of the Earth’s most abundant rocks. Hematite can be found all over the world with a large majority of it being mined in Brazil, China, India, and the United States.

Rich in iron-oxide it’s the most important ore of iron. Hematite ranges in colors from dark red to brown and grey to black depending on where it was mined.

It is one of the oldest and most popular stones used throughout history.

Dating back as far as the ancient Egyptian era Hematite has been prized by many cultures. The Egyptians used it in their talismans and medallions. They also used it to calm anxiety and bring inner peace. And even cooler, they used it to remove poison from people and stop blood flow from fresh wounds. 

The ancient Greeks used it for decorative purposes. Adding it to jewelry, armor, and weapons. They thought the dark colors look intimidating. They also believed it would protect them. No wonder this stone belongs to the god of war and the god of the battlefield. 

Hematite is known for its protective energy and has been called the stone of invincibility. Giving it a good reason to be worn in battle.

The name Hematite is derived from the Greek word for blood. When you grind it up the stone turns into a blood-red powder. For this reason, it’s also known as Blood Stone.

Sounds kind of creepy but also kind of powerful, right?

There are also other forms of this crystal to work with. Hematite Quartz is made when Clear Quartz and red Hematite mix.

A more recently discovered version of it was found in the United States. Bring on the sparkles when you work with Specular Hematite. It’s formed when shiny Hematite and tiny Mica flakes come together. Watch it bling-bling when the light hits.

These carry the same Hematite meaning with their own added bonus benefits!

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Balance Yourself

Hematite Trinket Bowl via AsAboveAlchemy on Etsy

Take hold of Hematite’s balancing energy. To ensure your growth as a human being and to, basically, make sure you don’t lose your damn mind, you should occasionally balance yourself.

This is the perfect partner to work with. Hematite is associated with the root chakra which means grounding power to infinity and beyond. You’ll know you need to balance this chakra when you can’t focus, you feel totally overwhelmed, or you’re unusually pessimistic. 

Its magnetic nature working together with our ying-yang energy forces us to align. Centering us and focusing its energy on bringing us peace within.

The magnetic force in Hematite draws out deep-rooted problems of the past. It then forces you to confront them head-on. Not only making you feel complete again but making you more resilient, too.

Hematite has a strong outer exterior but inside it’s actually quite delicate. And though it’s a  hard-core, take no shit war stone it still looks to be nurtured and cared for. Strong and sensitive, hmm, a possible metaphor for someone working with it. 

If you can relate then you have probably found the crystal you need to work with at this moment in life.

For the whole shebang place some around your home. Feel those good vibes all over. It balances, energizes, and harmonizes your living space.

Get Yourself A Grounding Stone

Let Hematite’s magnetic force center you. Placing your feet firmly on the ground and giving you the confidence you need to move forward in life.

You may not have realized it before but you need occasional centering. This way you’re living to your full potential. Do you want to live a calm life? Do you want to balance your energy? Do you want to feel closer to Mother Earth? Can’t wait to work with this grounding stone? You don’t have to! 

Adding a Hematite crystal to your collection is the first step to the harmony of your mind and body that you needed. Check out my crystal shop to find the tumbled Hematite or Specular Hematite that’s right for your healing session.


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