Alycia Wicker

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Catapult Motivation, Money, And Meditation With Chrysotile

Chrysotile is here to help you get motivated. Also known by its more charming name, Green Zebra Jasper, this crystal will recharge your energy to get you going. Receive the encouragement you need to grab the bull by its balls and dominate the day. When you literally just can’t, Chrysotile is here to tell you hell yes you can.

Beat your battle with self-doubt. Working with this motivation magnet is just the thing you need to gain all the confidence you have been lacking. It’s 2021, we’re all going through a tough time in some way or another. And boy do we need something to get us off the couch and back into the world pronto. The answer to your problem could be solved with some simple crystal healing. Work with this stone and watch what wonders unfold.   

Get Motivated To Move

Chrysotile aka Green Zebra Jasper is ready to get you motivated. We’ll be referring to it as Green Zebra Jasper from here on out. It’s just more fun to say. Plus don’t tell me you aren’t picturing a green zebra elegantly grazing on some tall grass in the savanna. I just won’t buy it. 

This crystal has a layered structure resembling stripes thus the nickname. Belong to the serpentine stone group for its grainy structure, Green Zebra Jasper is not only a superb addition to your collection but a great motivational tool. Have you been feeling like a couch potato lately? Just not in the mood to do shit? Same. But voila, here is your solution! Stare your laziness right in the face, you got this, then get the fuck going with Green Zebra Jasper. 

This is the stone of determination, motivation, and facing challenges head-on. Basically, this bad boy can kick laziness right in the ass and send it flying. Green Zebra Jasper encourages you to finish what you set out to do. No more excuses. It will pull your scattered energy together to work hardest where you need it most. Now that’s a true friend.  

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Green Zebra Jasper Healing Properties

If you’re looking for some physical healing look no further. Detox your bod with help from some natural Green Zebra Jasper. Release impurities within while you cleanse your energy. Just like our minds need to be cleansed from negative thoughts, our bodies need to be cleansed of negative energies. Working with a piece of Green Zebra Jasper can help you release any crap you’ve got lingering within. You’ll feel brand-spankin’ new.

This stone also supports kidney and bladder issues. Making it a perfect tool to use for crystal healing. If you suffer from a problem with either or both organs keeping a Green Zebra Jasper in your surrounding area could do some good. I think your bladder and kidney may have just high fived.

Alleviate muscle spasms, strengthen your bones, and improve your teeth all with Green Zebra Jasper. “That’s so many things!” you say. Yes, yes it is. This badass boulder helps your body in hella ways. 

But wait, there’s more. Want fresh, glowing skin? Whelp, check that box babe because Green Zebra Jasper can assist you with that. Even helping to soothe skin disorders.

Haha, you thought I was done? Nope. There’s one more way it can help your body. Green Zebra Jasper is a perfect tool to arouse your naughty bits. This sexy stone helps increase your sexual drive. Vroom, vroom. Men, if you’re suffering from low libido or E.D. working with this crystal can help relieve those issues. And even protect against it. Ladies, it also increases estrogen levels. Are you looking to create a mini-me? Look no further, the vibrations it emits can help with conception. So grab your partner, some Green Zebra Jasper, and hit the lights. 

Be cautious when using Green Zebra Jasper aka Chrysotile. There is naturally occurring asbestos in this crystal so don’t put it in your mouth. Don’t lick it, kiss it, nibble on it, and most definitely don’t ingest it. To be safe, don’t let the kiddos play with it either. You know how curious those taste buds are. Always wash your hands after you handle a piece. And don’t worry, as long as you’re not poppin’ em in your mouth like hard candy at grannies you’ll be perfectly safe working with it. 

Show Me The Money

Green is right there in the name! Time to manifest that money. If you’re stressed out over financial problems you can stop ripping your hair out. Green Zebra Jasper just might be the answer. Whether you’re having trouble balancing your books or you’re searching for the next big idea to bring in the bucks this stone has a solution for you. Let its energy help you focus so you can cash in that almighty dollar. 

Green Zebra Jasper can also assist in business tasks that are non-money-related. If you are a small business owner it can help you focus on other things you need to improve. For example, you might need to step up your customer service skills or find a better method of organization. Working with this stone can help you better perform those tasks. 

It can also help you bring your creative business ideas to life. Give inspiration the boost it needs. Green Zebra Jasper helps you get the ball rolling on accomplishing those goals you’ve been putting to the side. Maybe you just didn’t think they were good enough. Or maybe you just needed that last push to finish up a project. This crystal has the ability to help you manifest your ideas and bring them to life. 

Pro tip: place it around your business and let the good vibes flow — plus roll in the dough.

Meditate On It

Stimulating the root chakra, Green Zebra Jasper acts as an anchor. Keeping you as grounded as a teenager whose parents found a bag of weed in their sock drawer. We know, we know, it was your friends. Wink, wink. 

Use this crystal while meditating to increase stamina and determination. It gives you the will to work hard and attain your goals. Get the confidence you need to see things through. Stop doubting yourself. A little work with Green Zebra Jasper and you’re on your way to finishing all those pesky tasks you’ve been dreading for the last week...or month… or year. 

It can also help you rationalize your everyday problems. Struggling to get along with a coworker? Worried about a relationship issue? Trying to figure out which to binge watch first, Bridgerton or Schitt’s Creek. Let the answers flow to you during meditation with Green Zebra Jasper.  

Cleansing your root chakra will help you find enjoyment in the world, connecting you with mother Earth. Allow its essence to be your companion through spiritual and healing work. Meditating with it will help you maintain focus. Allowing you to be one with the Earth around you.     

Begin Your Journey 

Ready to start connecting with your own piece of Green Zebra Jasper? Begin to experience its benefits asap.  Once you work with this stone you will feel motivated to make way through the day. There’s just no stopping you now. 

And don’t forget to make that money, honey! Kick those business endeavors up a notch. Or three. See how you and your finances can benefit from a little Green Zebra Jasper.  

Get pumped to feel the fog in your head lift as you solve your problems with ease. Start by heading on over to my store and get yourself a piece of this green goddess today.