Full Moon Crystals

The concept of "full moon energy" refers to the idea that the full moon phase has a spiritual influence on people. It is believed by some that during this time, the energy of the moon can amplify emotions, affect one's behavior and create heightened spiritual experiences.

The idea of full moon energy is largely a cultural belief and personal experience-based phenomenon. People's experiences with the full moon's energy may vary, and some may not experience any noticeable effects at all. But the “experts” all say there’s nothing to the idea of “full moon energy,” in case you wondered.

People may want to harness full moon energy for various reasons, including spiritual and personal growth. Some people believe that the energy of the full moon can help to amplify and enhance their own personal energy, leading to a greater sense of clarity, focus, and heightened spiritual experiences.

Some also believe that the full moon can help to facilitate manifestation, the manifestation of desires, and the manifestation of intentions.

Others may simply be drawn to the beauty and mystery of the full moon and seek to connect with its energy as a form of meditation or spiritual practice.

Ultimately, the reasons for wanting to harness full moon energy may vary, but it often has to do with a desire to connect with something greater than oneself and to tap into a source of spiritual energy, as the full moon is a time for reflection, manifestation, and letting go of negative energy. And what better way to harness the energy of the full moon than with crystals?

Here are five powerful crystals that are especially potent during the full moon:

  1. Selenite - Selenite is a beautiful translucent crystal that is associated with the moon and the element of water. It has a calming energy that can help to ease anxiety and promote emotional balance. Selenite is also said to enhance intuition and psychic ability, making it a popular choice for meditation and spiritual work.

  2. Rainbow Moonstone - Rainbow moonstone is a beautiful crystal that is said to be connected to the divine feminine energy and the moon goddess. It has a gentle, nurturing energy that can help to soothe emotions and bring balance to the mind, body, and spirit. Rainbow moonstone is also said to enhance intuition and spiritual awareness, making it a popular choice for those who are on a spiritual path.

  3. Shungite - Shungite is a powerful crystal that is said to have purifying and protective properties. It is said to absorb negative energy and electromagnetic radiation, making it a popular choice for those who are sensitive to technology. Shungite is also said to promote healing and boost the immune system.

  4. Citrine - Citrine is a beautiful crystal that is said to be connected to the energy of the sun. It has a bright, uplifting energy that can help to boost confidence and promote positivity. Citrine is also said to promote abundance and prosperity, making it a popular choice for those who are looking to manifest their goals and dreams.

  5. Clear Quartz - Clear quartz is a powerful crystal that is said to amplify the energy of other crystals and stones. It has a high vibration that can help to enhance spiritual awareness and promote clarity of thought. Clear quartz is also said to be a powerful healing stone, making it a popular choice for those who are looking to promote physical, emotional, and spiritual wellness.

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Charging Crystals In The Full Moon Energy

Some people believe that the light of the full moon can "charge" crystals, imbuing them with the moon's energy and increasing their healing properties. The idea is that by exposing crystals to the light of the full moon, they absorb its energy and become more powerful tools for healing and manifestation.

To charge crystals under a full moon, one can follow these steps:

Prepare the crystals: Cleanse the crystals thoroughly before charging. This can be done by soaking them in salt water, smudging with sage, or exposing them to sunlight.

Place the crystals in the moonlight: Arrange the crystals on a windowsill, outside on a table, or anywhere where they will be directly exposed to the light of the full moon. Even if it’s a cloudy or foggy night, the Moon’s energy will charge your stones.

Wait and let the moonlight do its work: Leave the crystals in the moonlight for several hours, overnight if possible. Some people like to meditate or set an intention for their crystals while they are being charged.

Cleanse and store the crystals: After the crystals have been charged, cleanse them once again to remove any negative energy that may have been absorbed during the charging process. Store the crystals in a safe place until you are ready to use them for healing or manifestation.

Crystals can be a powerful tool for harnessing the energy of the full moon. Whether you are looking to promote emotional balance, spiritual awareness, or physical healing, there is a crystal that can help. So, the next time the full moon shines bright in the sky, take some time to connect with the energy of these beautiful crystals and see how they can enhance your life.


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