Alycia Wicker

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My Favorite Crystals for Autumn

My two favorite seasons are Spring and Fall but Fall is my favorite, because Halloween. Hello?

Skeletons and skulls, graveyards and ghosts, and Pumpkin Spice Lattes. Just kidding on that last one, those drinks mess up my stomach like a bad time at Taco Bell.

Truly, Autumn is a season to prepare for the winter. Even if you live in the desert like I do where Winter isn't like the real winter you see in the movies, Autumn tells us that we need to prepare for the winter.

I mean what is there not to love? That is if you live in a place with seasons unlike here in the desert of California. We're still sweating like whores in church. Many wishing to wear boots so but pair them with their bedazzled jean shorts. Don't worry though, you won't catch me doing that.

Anyway, this is the time of year for our Fall Equinox here in the US. If you're reading this from the Southern Hemisphere of the world, then you're enjoying the return of Spring. But in case you've forgotten what an equinox is here is a quick refresher.

The two equinoxes are when the line between night and day is perpendicular to the equator meaning that there is an equal amount of day and night on both sides of the planet.

During this time of balance means it is a great time to making a renewed effort to find balance in your life and get in resonance with this special time.

While many people choose to set new intentions and goals at the new year, I think seasons are as powerful times as well to focus deepening your spiritual connection and perhaps no greater time than now.

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Goals For Autumn To Consider

During this time of reflection, you may want to deepen your spiritual connection, give thanks, find the balance that you seek to live a life that you choose and prepare to retreat into the solace of winter.

The days grow shorter, the nights grow longer, the leaves on the trees begin to turn color and fall the earth as the veil thins beckoning you to look within.

Shadow Work

During this time of going within it's important to not close our eyes to the parts, we choose to hide from the world. Finding the courage to address our sad, impulsive, and wounded sides that we like to reject because it isn't what everyone else wants to see. It's not pretty and it doesn't fit into a nice little container.


If you’re choosing to take this time to give thanks you may want to focus on the harvest that you've reaped. I'm going to guess that it's not an actual harvest for you because most of us are not farmers. But our work either takes place behind screens or face to face (or face mask to face mask).

Gratitude brings more prosperity and abundance into your life. But what I think the bigger power behind gratitude is how it fills you with optimism, happiness, compassion, and helps your immune system.

If gratitude is what you'll choose to focus during this time then consider adding a daily prayer of thanks or daily journal entry for all that you have. And remember to thank not for just material possessions but I find it is an amazing practice to thank your body for the work that it does.

Start with your toes and move your way up to the top of your head, spending time to focus on each part of your body, recognizing how it supports you and giving thanks.


Seeking to restore balance in your life must start with the first declaring that you deserve because you serve. This is an important part to remember because I firmly believe that finding your purpose starts without figuring out who you're meant to serve.

From there it may be the time to look at the parts of your life where you feel like you're on a roller coaster. Just when you think you're about to get off the ride and pull into the station, the coaster doesn't stop.

And especially during this time of 2020 when we don't know which day it is or what we even ate yesterday, documenting your daily life every 15 minutes of the day might be helpful as we've entered the Alzheimer's zone.

Maybe you've given up self-care, or your boundaries have been dissolved or maybe you're finding yourself in a deep pit of despair because you've found you've been given way too much time to be in your head. And I feel you on that 100%.

You can try writing yourself a letter and express your feelings... all of them. If the tears come, let them sear your cheeks as you begin to release the thoughts that are on repeat and do nothing to help you find hope and optimism.

That note can be burned in a bonfire, your fireplace, or an ashtray but it's an important symbolic ritual that seeing with your own eyes will be a powerful exercise that can lighten the burden in your mind.

See this content in the original post

Crystals for Autumn Shadow Work

Red Calcite will help you to heal your trauma and release the old energies of the past that you do not need to carry anymore.

Leopardskin Jasper will help you to navigate the change in your life as you let go of the past and seek to find new ways to embrace your hidden self.

Dendritic Agate will help you to connect with the wisdom of the ages as you look at the tree-like inclusions imagine rooting yourself during this time of your spiritual rebirth.

Crystals for Autumn Gratitude

Moonstone will help you to find and manifest gratitude for all that you have. The flash you see in the stone reminds you that within every moment you can be optimistic and hopeful.

Green Aventurine is a perfect talisman to keep in your pocket to remind you to be in a constant state of gratitude for what is and what will be.

Rose Quartz works to open your heart chakra so that you can work to dissolve the emotions of sorrow, sadness, resentment, and grow in love.

Crystals For Autumn Balance

Tiger's Eye will help you find the clarity of thought so you can clearly see where you need to make practical changes.

Black Onyx will help you summon the inner strength and endurance to help you restore the balance that you need to grow and thrive while repelling the negative energies that seek to keep you out of balance.

Magnetite will help to align your energy while you navigate the polarities that you seek to reconcile.

Crystals For Autumn Spiritual Connection

Dolomite will help you to connect with God. Allow yourself to tap back into the wisdom and love that God has always had for you.

Azurite is my absolute favorite for spiritual connection. I have many pieces of azurite on top of my tarot card decks and wear an azurite/malachite pendant most days.

Bloodstone will help you find Christ consciousness within and help you to deepen your spiritual connection. According to legend, the red spots on the stone represent the blood that dripped when Christ was crucified.

Crystal Skulls

This time of year would not be complete with crystal skulls. They are a representation of finding the wisdom to discern that which you need to go of as you're closing a chapter of your life as you go through a period of transformation.

A Petrified Wood skull will help you tap into ancient and ancestral knowledge and heal ancestral issues that may be plaguing you in this life. Also helping to give you a sense of peace in an ever-changing world where new truths are revealed to you.

Clear Quartz skulls are carved from the most versatile crystal on the planet helping you to amplify your energy in whatever intentions that you have as well as cultivating deep healing.

Fluorite skulls will help you to clear your mind, discern the truth, and make smart decisions about your future. Purple Fluorite is great for purification while blue fluorite will help you clearly communicate the change you'd like to create.

Amethyst via AdamRabbit on Etsy

Bronzite via KidzRocks on Etsy

Dendritic Agate via theSovereignStone on Etsy

Carnelian via Hollynaturalspheres on Etsy

Quartz via TheFurAndFang on Etsy

Bloodstone via GemGemRock on Etsy

Fluorite via ZionRocksandMinerals on Etsy

Petrified Wood via NewEarthMagic on Etsy

Azurite Malachite via StonesToAdorn on Etsy

Dolomite via AlliedCrystals on Etsy

Black Onyx via WonderCrystal on Etsy

Tigers Eye via HKFossiltown on Etsy

Rose Quartz via AdrienneOatesArt on Etsy

Moonstone via shspirithouse on Etsy

Calcite via midwestrockshop on Etsy

Green Aventurine via LittleLemuria on Etsy

Leopardskin Jasper via WonderCrystal on Etsy

Magnetite via BeakersWorld on Etsy

Crystals for An Autumn Altar

There are many holidays during the autumn season and should you choose to honor one, many or simply this time of change you may find that creating a special Autumn altar is exactly what you need to do.

For your autumn altar you may consider decorating it with symbols of the season that are meaningful to you:

  • Pumpkins and/or gourds

  • Skulls

  • Ears of Corn

  • Candles of reds and/or gold

  • Acorns

  • Fall leaves

Best Crystals for Autumn

And of course, if you're not seeking a specific change this time of year, there are what I consider all-around great crystals for Autumn.


Perfect for helping you to keep your energy up to boost your confidence during a time that can be a tense transitional time.


Because the veil is thin this time of year, work with Amethyst to tune into the messages from the spirit realm with a spiritual and protective stone by your side.


Release that which no longer serves you even when you're not quite sure what that is because it will help you to see what it is that you need to let go of. It's all about letting go without regret.

You can choose to see this Autumn season as a difficult time or one of magical change like you've never manifested before, it's all about you baby!

I know we're going through a terribly rough year and I'm here to encourage you to keep the faith, keep your strength.

Let's build up the collective energy so that all of us can benefit from us doing the work as we move into our new reality, our new age, our new peace.