Alycia Wicker

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3 Powerful Crystals For Cleansing Each Of Your 7 Chakras

If you’ve ever been to a metaphysical store or a yoga class you undoubtedly are familiar with chakras. You’ve found this blog so it’s probably safe to assume you have at least heard of them. If you’ve ever felt a little wonky, maybe your emotions are all over the place. Or you feel aches and stiffness. Your chakras are probably blocked.

There are many ways to clear your chakras. Some people use yoga to open them up. The tree posse and the goddess pose are particularly helpful. Others may prefer some easy breathwork. Simple enough to do a few times a day any time, anywhere. And some might prefer meditation. Using your mind to achieve balance and align your chakras.

Another great way to unblock your chakras is crystal healing. Crystals send vibrations out to your body. Working with one that correlates with a particular chakra is a great way to reach those pesky blocks.

What Are Chakras 

Chakras are the 7 energy centers found going down your spine. They are the root, sacral, solar plexus, heart, throat, third eye, and crown chakras. In that order. Each chakra holds certain energies that affect our bodies and emotions. They are portrayed as spinning disks. The word chakra is Sanskrit for “wheel” or “circle” which makes total sense now that we can imagine what they look like. Each chakra has specific patterns of thinking, feeling, acting, and sensing. As well as its own color.  

They run from the base of your spine up to the top of your head. The chakras are linked with organs, body functions, glands, and emotions. Just as your central nervous system regulates all the messages within your physical body, the seven energy vortices known as the chakras regulate all the messages within the etheric body playing a key role in your overall well-being.

Chakras were first mentioned in Hindu texts but are also used in other cultures like Egyptians, Chinese, Hindus, Greeks, Native Americans, Incas, and others. They all had similar knowledge of a chakra system even though they probably called it something different. 

We have the root chakra. That's the one that's sitting at the base of the spine. It's our instinctual need for survival. Its color is red. It's physically related to the adrenal glands, tailbone, legs, feet, and spine. And so like a home, is the foundation that allows us to stay grounded and focused on survival. Fear and trust issues are rooted here. 

The next one moving up is the sacral chakra. That's located near your navel and your sexual organs. They represent your need to enjoy yourself, your life, and your achievements. The color is orange. So it's physically related to the gonads, prostate, kidneys, and bladder. Here you'll find issues of abandonment, social status, and creativity. They are affected if this chakra is blocked.

The solar plexus chakra is located in the abdomen. So it's associated with our self-esteem, willpower, and personal identity. Its color is yellow. It's physically related to the digestive system, gallbladder, liver, spleen, and pancreas. So when this is in alignment, we follow our intuition, we take risks and we act assertively.

The heart chakra is located, obviously, in the center of your chest by your heart. It represents a bridge between the lower three chakras and the higher three chakras, and it's where you process and store emotional experience. Its color is green. So remember if the lower chakras that we talked about, the root, sacral and solar plexus, are blocked, you can't get over the bridge of the heart chakra to get into the upper chakras, right. So it's physically related to the heart, lungs, thymus, chest, shoulders, arms, and hands. It's about being open to giving and receiving love. So if you are having issues experiencing a lack of love, whether you don't think you're lovable or you're closing off your heart, it might be an issue with the heart chakra.

The throat chakra is located, obviously in the throat area and neck. It corresponds to your ability to communicate, express yourself, and your ability to speak honestly. Its color is sky blue, and it's related to the throat. So if you were having issues with a throat chakra, you may feel like you have difficulty expressing your ideas and feelings. You may worry about what others are going to think of you. And so, that's why you won't express yourself.

The third eye chakra is located between the eyebrows to combine our left and right side of our brain so that we can have discernment and wisdom when it comes to making choices in our lives. Its color is indigo. The third eye chakra is associated with intuition and physically related to the pineal gland. Sometimes if you're having issues with an inability to look within, lacking self-awareness, daydreaming becomes an escape from reality, or you find it difficult to use your imagination, there could be a problem with the third eye chakra.

Lastly, the crown chakra is located at the top of your head corresponding to your connection to the Divine and our spirituality. Its color is violet. It's related to your brain in your head and if you are experiencing issues where you're experiencing apathy,  very much ego-centered, obsessed with materialism, have a lack of purpose, have then a weak moral character or questionable ethical beliefs, you might need some help with your crown chakra.

If one or more of your chakras is spinning too fast you will feel hyper, nervous, and/or anxious. And if one or more is spinning too slow you’ll feel fatigued, ungrounded, and/or lack creative energy.

It’s important for us to make sure our chakras are vibrant, open, and spinning just right so that our bodies and minds can happily function as one.

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Crystals And Chakras

You might be wondering, “why should I even cleanse my chakras?” or thinking “I feel fine I don’t need to do any of this”. But really, you might not even know that the blockage in your root chakras is causing your recent occurrence of constipation. That’s right, a blocked chakra can cause your blocked shit. Bet I have your attention now.

Removing stagnant energies and emotional blockages is vital for our chakras. A wonderful — and yes, easy — way to do this is through crystal healing. 

I’m going to share with you 3 powerful crystals for each chakra and what they do to balance and align yourself. Each chakra works well with specific crystals. There are quite a few you can use but to keep it simple I’ll share 3 easy to find (check out my shop) stones for each individual chakra. All guaranteed to get you spinning right round, baby right round.

Crystals For The 7 Chakras 

Let’s start at the bottom and work our way up.

Root Chakra

The root chakra associates itself with black, brown, and red stones. Working with any of these stones grounds you to earth. Collecting your energy and connecting it back with reality. If you’re feeling stressed, restless, impatient, or excessively greedy that could mean your root chakra has gone bonkers. 

The root chakra is the center of stability and security. Keeping it balance will keep you feeling secure. Red Jasper in particular will help you to stay energized. Hematite will kickass at keeping you stable. And Black Tourmaline will increase your vitality and provides protection for all of your chakras. 

Sacral Chakra 

Ground Me Please Hematite

If you’re feeling an increase or decrease in your sexual interest you might need to work with one of these crystals. Your sacral chakra is your sexual energy center. Bom-chika-wow-wow! Associated with orange, peach and, brown stones, you’ll also know your chakra is blocked if you have lower back pain, excessive menstrual cramps, and UTIs. The worst am I right?

Not only will working with these crystals open your sexual appetite, but it will help you feel inspired and pleased in all areas of life. Work with Sunstone if you want to connect to your heart chakra as well. Get more creative when you work with Carnelian. Tame your uncontrollable emotions when working with Peach Moonstone.

Solar Plexus Chakra

Tummy a little achy lately? Acid reflux burning the hell out of your esophagus? You probably have a blocked solar plexus chakra. Open that sucker all the way up with one of these crystals. This chakra is connected to your stomach affecting digestion. Along with relieving poor metabolism, unblocking this chakra will encourage high self-esteem, reliability, and trust. 

Connected with yellow, gold, and chartreuse stones your solar plexus holds your energy. Grab one of these stones and clear the way so you can feel motivated, purposeful and, confident. Use Citrine if you’d like to protect against negative people as well. Work with Pyrite to activate your personal will. And bring out some Tigers Eye if you’d like to reduce anxiety. 

Heart Chakra

These green and pink stones attach to the heart chakra. You’ll know this chakra is blocked if you feel an increase in loneliness and shyness. Or maybe you just can’t forgive your friend for that one minor slip-up the other day. 

All of these stones have one thing in common, unconditional love. Work with them to open your heart chakra and feel emotional healing. Incorporate Malachite to break unwanted ties. Bring Rose Quartz into your crystal healing to feel high vibrations of love. Work with Green Aventurine if you’re looking for the confidence to move forward in life. 

Throat Chakra

Are you having a hard time expressing your thoughts? This might mean you need to tune-up your throat chakra. If you feel anxious or fearful about speaking up get your hands on one of these crystals. When this chakra is misaligned you will have tremendous issues communicating.

Align your voice so that you are free to express yourself. Light blue, blue, and teal stones work best for this chakra. Work with Celestite to also reduce obsessive behaviors. Turquoise will assist you in spiritual bonding. And adding Blue Lace Agate to your healing sessions can encourage optimism.

Third Eye Chakra

These gorgeous indigo and violet stones are perfect for aligning your third eye chakra. Your third eye is the part that is meant to see what is unseen by the human eye. If you have trouble sleeping, headaches, or a lack of imagination this chakra is probably blocked.

Open the gates to a higher place of consciousness by balancing your chakra with one of these crystals. Invoke enlightenment and take yourself to another realm with a properly spinning third eye chakra. Bringing a piece of Iolite will open your intuition right on up. Blue Kyanite is ideal for speaking one’s truth. Work with Sodalite to open the window into your subconscious mind.

Crown Chakra

If you’ve been experiencing a lack of spiritual connection you need to clear up your crown chakra. Associated with violet, gold, and clear crystals this chakra will give you a strong sense of the divine when properly aligned. When blocked you might feel dizziness, migraines, and itching at the top of your head.

Clear up that pesky blockage to feel a strong connection to the universe. Work with Clear Quartz to amplify your energy. Grab a piece of Selenite if you’d like to neutralize some extreme emotions. And work with Amethyst to create tranquility.

Find Your Inner Peace

Alright, you’ve learned some shit about chakras! And now that you are up to speed with what crystals for chakras can do your next step is clicking that “Shop Crystals + More” button. Enjoy your spiritual journey unblocking your 7 chakras and make room for the healing properties these crystals carry.

Each chakra aligning crystal is available right here. Use the handy dandy search bar or just click the crystals name in this blog to go straight to it.