Connecting With Your Spirit Guides

Raise your hand if the idea of connecting, meeting, and greeting your spirit guides seems like something impossible to do?


I mean, that is how it used to be for me because let’s be honest… meditating doesn’t happen too often. I enjoy a guided meditation every once in a while, but it’s not a regular thing for me. Even though I have my very own personal mausoleum that I work in, it’s not totally quiet and “secure” meaning that at any moment I could get interrupted and that’s the last thing that I want to happen.

So until I have a totally secure and isolated home mausoleum office, I may never find time for an uninterrupted hour-long guided mediation - so what’s a gal to do?

Whip out the tarot cards, of course.

How To Use Tarot To Connect With Your Guides

It’s easy, friend. I mean as easy as spiritual things can be without having your squirrel mind turning on.

When you’ve got a safe, quiet moment to yourself, you can do what I did (or you can adjust this so it works for you - remember none of this stuff is set in stone).

Step #1 - Ask How Many Spirit Guides Do I Have?

I think the number of spirit guides we can have is unlimited - and I think they do come and go based on what we’re working on… but for me, being a human that needs help hanging onto tangible ideas of who my guides are then, I wanna know how many I’ve got hanging out with me.

Get the deck out, ask your question and pull a card. I pulled a court card (King) first, and the second card was a 9 of Cups. I could have gone with the King (14 would be its numerical value), but I wanted an actual number - so I took the second card.

You do you, if you like to follow the strictest of rules - you can stick with the King and go with 14 Guides or wait for a Minor Arcana card.

Step #2 - Pull Three Cards

For this next part, you probably want to get a pencil and paper to make notes if you’re like me. I want to know who these peeps are and continue the convo with them, so I’m gonna start the documentation process.

Make two columns, the left-hand column is the number of guides, and the right-hand column will be the three tarot cards that you pull for each guide.

Next, call on the first spirit guide and ask for them to answer these three questions with the next three tarot cards that you pull.

  • What area of your life are they helping you with?

  • What do they want you to know?

  • How can you make more of a connection with each other?

Then write down your three cards to help you discern what that spirit guide wants to share with you. I’m telling you that you’re gonna be glad that you wrote this down so you can revisit this later.

When you pay attention to the suit of the car, what they are doing in the card, and what your impression of the card means to you.

An Example

Here’s an example from one of my three-card pulls for one of my guides…

When I saw these three cards I took it as this spirit guide is here to help me with empathy. Don’t be so quick to judge, see things from their perspective, and work every day to be better at this. All I am required to do is to find love in my heart at all times for all things - no matter what as God will make the judgment call - not for me.

Now, it’s your turn to see what you come up with as you have a conversation with your spirit guides.

Alycia Wicker

Alycia Wicker is a sweary, spiritual chick who hearts crystals.

Shungite The Great Healer


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